Os recomiendo que leais el artículo aparecido en "El País" de hoy "Un hatajo de rufianes y la jodida mariposa". ¡Cuánta razón tiene José María Izquierdo! y nosotros, LOS CIUDADANOS, los más perjudicados, ¡SIN REACCIONAR! Así nos va... que nos comen vivos... Cuando podíamos rebelarnos a la francesa, no con teas y palos, pero simplemente dejando de ir a trabajar, dejando de pagar esas facturas exhorbitantes de electricidad, agua, etcétera, negándonos a pasar por el aro que "ellos" (recordad que son UNA MINORIA) esos sinvergüenzas quieren. Pero, claro, tendríamos que estar UNIDOS y bien se han cuidado "ellos" de que estemos desunidos... ¡Somos unos imbéciles corderitos atados a nuestro redil esperando nuestra ejecución!
This post is for those who speak/understand Spanish. It's about an article that appeared in today's "El País" entitled "A Bunch of Scoundrels and the Fucking Butterfly". The writer of the article, José María Izquierdo, is SO right... We, THE CITIZENS who are the most mistreated, DON'T FIGHT BACK! That's the way it goes... we're eaten alive... instead of rebelling, the French way, not with sticks and torches, but by simply not going to work, not paying those exhorbitant electricity, water, etc. bills, refusing to bend to "their" wishes (don't forget "they're" THE MINORITY those scoundrels). But, of course, we would have to be UNITED and "they" have made sure that we continue disjoined... We're a bunch of lambs ready for the slaughter...!
lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008
sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008
Hoy he visto la última de Woody Allen, he visto a algunos/as de mis queridos bloggers reflejados... Me ha gustado. La fotografía genial, el ambiente muy "gauche divine" barcelonés. Preciosos los cuadros de Tàpies. Os la recomiendo.
Me acabo de enterar que ha fallecido PAUL NEWMAN, mi amor de mis años adolescentes. Qué breve es la vida...
Today I saw Woody Allen's latest film. I saw some of my bloggers reflected in that film. I liked it. The photography is splendid, the "ambiance" very Barcelonian "gauche divine". Beautiful the Tàpies paintings. I heartily recommend it.
I just heard about PAUL NEWMAN'S death, my teenage love. How brief life is...
Me acabo de enterar que ha fallecido PAUL NEWMAN, mi amor de mis años adolescentes. Qué breve es la vida...
Today I saw Woody Allen's latest film. I saw some of my bloggers reflected in that film. I liked it. The photography is splendid, the "ambiance" very Barcelonian "gauche divine". Beautiful the Tàpies paintings. I heartily recommend it.
I just heard about PAUL NEWMAN'S death, my teenage love. How brief life is...
viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008
Queridos ya cumplo un año de blog. Ha sido una aventura maravillosa que me ha hecho conocer, a nivel virtual, a gente maravillosa. Os quiero agradecer a todos por vuestra compañía y sobre todo a los que me han honrado con sus diferentes premios: CHUQUIS, DIANNA, CARLOS, MONTXU, MARIANA, ABUELA CIBER, perdonad que no ponga vuestros blogs porque a estas horas no furulo y no me los sé de memoria. Además quiero agradecer a mis queridas AMELCHE, METIS, y SALONDESOL que me animaron tanto a seguir con esta aventura, a MARIANO PLANELLS, que abrió mi blog y despues a PEDRO OJEDA ESCUDERO, a los HERMANOS FDEZ. MAGDALENO (Pablo, Diego y Alvaro) que fueron de los primeros que siguieron mis aventuras. Luego llegaron los de Burgos MANZA, BIPOLAR, PILAR, URBINA, BLOGOFAGO, CAMPILLO, AMADOR. Despues de Madrid CECILIA, ISABEL HUETE, MARIANA (la Porteña) THIAGO (bueno gallego medio madrileño), los vascos DEDALUS, DEVIN, MONTXU, los ibicencos DIDI, FRITUS, ANTONIA MAXWELL, los catalanes, ANTONIA P., EUPHORBIA, JOSEP STRUEL, los argentinos CHUQUIS, MARCELO, CARLOS, la uruguaya ABUELA CIBER
de Canada, muy a mi pesar, no tengo a NADIE por muy inglés que escriba... Seguro que igual me ha quedado alguien en el tintero... (es que son las 20.00 y despues de un viaje muy movido a Formentera donde ha llovido a cántaros, estoy molida...). Hombre ¡sí! como me puedo olvidar de mi fantástico FERNANDO MANERO, de mi TUCCI querido, de CAPRI y sus maravillosos posts, de mi compañera de aventuras SELMA y su jaima, de la BRUJI, en fin, perdonádme si me he olvidado de alguien. Mañana cuando esté más despierta, lo releo y añado a más maravillosos amigos. GRACIAS A TODOS. Ya sabía que me olvidaba de algunos... los mallorquines PEDRO II y la divertidísima vampirita DIANNA. Tambien mi querido y muy admirado, gran poeta TOROSALVAJE. Espero, de nuevo, no olvidarme de alguien porque OS QUIERO MUCHÍSIMO ¡MIS "PEQUES"!
This post is, basically, to thank all my dear bloggers after a wonderful year of blogging where I've met, at a virtual level, many, many lovely people.
de Canada, muy a mi pesar, no tengo a NADIE por muy inglés que escriba... Seguro que igual me ha quedado alguien en el tintero... (es que son las 20.00 y despues de un viaje muy movido a Formentera donde ha llovido a cántaros, estoy molida...). Hombre ¡sí! como me puedo olvidar de mi fantástico FERNANDO MANERO, de mi TUCCI querido, de CAPRI y sus maravillosos posts, de mi compañera de aventuras SELMA y su jaima, de la BRUJI, en fin, perdonádme si me he olvidado de alguien. Mañana cuando esté más despierta, lo releo y añado a más maravillosos amigos. GRACIAS A TODOS. Ya sabía que me olvidaba de algunos... los mallorquines PEDRO II y la divertidísima vampirita DIANNA. Tambien mi querido y muy admirado, gran poeta TOROSALVAJE. Espero, de nuevo, no olvidarme de alguien porque OS QUIERO MUCHÍSIMO ¡MIS "PEQUES"!
This post is, basically, to thank all my dear bloggers after a wonderful year of blogging where I've met, at a virtual level, many, many lovely people.
jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008
Ya he conseguido que aparezca el post desaparecido pero no he podido borrarlo (no sé porque...) o sea que olvidaros del pedido de ayuda. Gracias.
OK I've managed to find the lost post but I haven't been able to delete the "Help" post (I, frankly, don't know why...) So forget it. Thank you.
OK I've managed to find the lost post but I haven't been able to delete the "Help" post (I, frankly, don't know why...) So forget it. Thank you.
¡¡¡AYUDA!!! - HELP!!!
Acabo de escribir un nuevo post sobre la solidaridad y la organización AVAAZ. Cuando lo terminé de escribir en inglés, le di a "guardar" y ha desaparecido del todo, tanto en español como en inglés (así como los comentarios). Alguien, por favor, me puede decir cómo lo recupero. Gracias.
I've just written a new post about solidarity and the AVAAZ organization. When I had finished writing it in English, I clicked "Save Now" and both the Spanish and the English version plus commentaries have disappeared! Can someone show me HOW to recuperate them? Thanks.
I've just written a new post about solidarity and the AVAAZ organization. When I had finished writing it in English, I clicked "Save Now" and both the Spanish and the English version plus commentaries have disappeared! Can someone show me HOW to recuperate them? Thanks.
La organización ciudadana mundial AVAAZ (avaaz@avaaz) me mandan de vez en cuando noticias contra las que están luchando para que firme y les apoye. Hasta ahora me ha gustado todo lo que me han mandado, por lo tanto he firmado. Hoy me mandaron lo siguiente: "Los gobernantes se reúnen esta semana en las Naciones Unidas para renovar la lucha contra la pobreza extrema. Sin embargo hay tres países--Francia, ¡CANADA! e Italia--que están amenazando con perjudicar las iniciativas mundiales contra la pobreza al recortar drásticamente sus presupuestos de ayuda al desarrollo y no cumplir con las promesas internacionales que hicieron."
Parece ser que el primer ministro de Canada, un tal Harper, sólo está interesado en ser reelegido y así tirar por la borda la tradición solidaria y muy arraigada, que siempre ha existido en mi segundo país, de ayudar a los más desfavorecidos del planeta. Vergonzoso. Os animo a que todos coopereis firmando en su web: http://AVAAZ.ORG/es/poverty_promise_breakers. Gracias.
The world citizen organization AVAAZ (avaaz@avaaz) send me, from time to time, news of what they're fighting against requesting my signature. Up until now I've agreed with everything they've sent me so I've signed. Today I received the following: "World leaders are meeting this week at the U.N. to renew their opposition towards extreme poverty. However, there are three countries--France, CANADA!! and Italy--which are threatening to boycott the worldwide initiatives against poverty, by, drastically, cutting their budgets in development aids, thereby, not carrying out their international pledges."
It seems to be that the Canadian Prime Minister, Harper, is more interested in his re-election , thereby, destroying Canada's worldwide reputation of being one of the first most generous and
humane countries in helping the world's needy. Shameful. I urge you to cooperate by signing at the web (see above). Thank you.
Parece ser que el primer ministro de Canada, un tal Harper, sólo está interesado en ser reelegido y así tirar por la borda la tradición solidaria y muy arraigada, que siempre ha existido en mi segundo país, de ayudar a los más desfavorecidos del planeta. Vergonzoso. Os animo a que todos coopereis firmando en su web: http://AVAAZ.ORG/es/poverty_promise_breakers. Gracias.
The world citizen organization AVAAZ (avaaz@avaaz) send me, from time to time, news of what they're fighting against requesting my signature. Up until now I've agreed with everything they've sent me so I've signed. Today I received the following: "World leaders are meeting this week at the U.N. to renew their opposition towards extreme poverty. However, there are three countries--France, CANADA!! and Italy--which are threatening to boycott the worldwide initiatives against poverty, by, drastically, cutting their budgets in development aids, thereby, not carrying out their international pledges."
It seems to be that the Canadian Prime Minister, Harper, is more interested in his re-election , thereby, destroying Canada's worldwide reputation of being one of the first most generous and
humane countries in helping the world's needy. Shameful. I urge you to cooperate by signing at the web (see above). Thank you.
domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008

El muy admirado y querido Isidor Macabich fue un personaje de la isla que falleció en 1973 a la venerable edad de 90 años. Al poco tiempo ya tenía su estatua en el mismo lugar donde solía sentarse a leer, rodeado de los eucaliptus que bordean esa alameda. Mosén Macabich, aparte de ser cura fué el jefe de los archivos de la catedral, fue historiador--escribió una historia sobre Ibiza--poeta y periodista. Un hombre renacentista y muy humilde. Existen anécdotas muy divertidas sobre él. Por ejemplo, en Ibiza no existen títulos nobiliarios. Un dia un jóven, queriéndole hacer la pelota, le preguntó solemnemente "Mosen Macabich, ústed viene de una familia MUY noble, ¿no es cierto?" Macabich le miró con infinita paciencia, y le contestó "no, hijo mio, no. Nosotros los ibicencos somos hijos de pescadores, hijos de payeses (campesinos) o... hijos de puta."
Finally, I've managed to upload/download the picture! He's my "boyfriend". The truth is that almost every day I sit beside him to explain to my tourists who he was. Besides, we look like eachother...
The very admired and loved Isidor Macabich was a personality of the island who died at the venerable age of 90 in 1973. A few years later he had his statue where he had always sat reading, surrounded by the Eucalyptus trees that border that avenue. Father Macabich was a priest but he was also the Head of the Archives of the Cathedral, a historian--he wrote a history of Ibiza--a poet and journalist. He was a "Renaissance" man and very humble. There are quite a few anecdotes about him. For example, in Ibiza there are no titles of nobility, one day a young man, wanting to butter him up, very solemnly asked: "Father Macabich I understand that you come from a VERY noble family?" Father Macabich looked at him with infinite patience and answered: "No, my son, no. We Ibizans are sons of fishermen, sons of peasants or... sons of bitches!"
jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008
Me parece que el blog que he puesto de Antonio Ruiz Bonilla no es el correcto. Perdón. A ver si el me escribe y dice el nombre exacto.
I think Antonio Ruiz Bonilla's blog is not correct. Sorry. I hope he writes and gives us the exact one.
I think Antonio Ruiz Bonilla's blog is not correct. Sorry. I hope he writes and gives us the exact one.
Antonio es un poeta que entró a mi blog hace unas semanas. Fuí al suyo y me gustó lo que escribía. Ahora me ha mandado un e-mail con la reseña de su libro "Poemas de amor inmesericordes" editado por "Poesía eres tú" que acaba de salir al mercado. Espero que tenga toda la suerte del mundo. Su blog: http://elfindelostiempos.blogspot.com/.
P.D. Aún estoy intentando bajar/subir la foto reciente que os prometí. Estoy en ello.
Alright, for those of you who know Spanish and read my English blog... (which I doubt because I NEVER get any feedback), I've received an e-mail from this blogger, who entered my blog a few weeks ago. I liked what he wrote very much; he has told me that his book of poetry entitled "Poemas de amor inmesericordes" (Star-Crossed Love Poems) edited by "Poesía eres tú" has just come out. I hope he has all the luck in the world. His blog (see above).
P.S. I'm still trying to upload/download the recent picture that I promised. I'm still working at it.
P.D. Aún estoy intentando bajar/subir la foto reciente que os prometí. Estoy en ello.
Alright, for those of you who know Spanish and read my English blog... (which I doubt because I NEVER get any feedback), I've received an e-mail from this blogger, who entered my blog a few weeks ago. I liked what he wrote very much; he has told me that his book of poetry entitled "Poemas de amor inmesericordes" (Star-Crossed Love Poems) edited by "Poesía eres tú" has just come out. I hope he has all the luck in the world. His blog (see above).
P.S. I'm still trying to upload/download the recent picture that I promised. I'm still working at it.
miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008
Me estoy dando cuenta, queridos, que la teoría de la reincarnación, tiene que ver más con nuestro pasado que con nuestro futuro. Los viejos, con el tiempo, adquirimos perfiles de animales. Hay los que se parecen a un "bull-dog" a un cisne o a una gacela. Yo parezco un pájaro, un pájaro loco o un tucán (por la napia). Cada vez se me está poniendo más cara de pájaro y ¡no entiendo por que! Seguro que eso es lo que fuí en mi vida pasada, por eso me ha gustado siempre volar y ser libre.
Por cierto he estado intentando bajar (o ¿subir?) una foto reciente mia pero me ha sido IMPOSIBLE. Seguiré inténtandolo.
I'm realizing, my dears, that the reincarnation theory has a lot more to do with our past than with our future. Old people, with age, acquire the features of animals. Some look like bull-dogs and others like swans or deer. I look like a bird, a Crazy Bird or a “Tucan” (because of my large nose). Every day, I look more like a bird and I don't know why!! I'm sure that WAS what I was in my past life because I've always loved to fly and be free.
By the way, I've tried to download (or is it ¿upload?) a recent picture of me but it's been IMPOSSIBLE. I'll keep trying.
Por cierto he estado intentando bajar (o ¿subir?) una foto reciente mia pero me ha sido IMPOSIBLE. Seguiré inténtandolo.
I'm realizing, my dears, that the reincarnation theory has a lot more to do with our past than with our future. Old people, with age, acquire the features of animals. Some look like bull-dogs and others like swans or deer. I look like a bird, a Crazy Bird or a “Tucan” (because of my large nose). Every day, I look more like a bird and I don't know why!! I'm sure that WAS what I was in my past life because I've always loved to fly and be free.
By the way, I've tried to download (or is it ¿upload?) a recent picture of me but it's been IMPOSSIBLE. I'll keep trying.
domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008
Ayer leí en el suplemento de “Salud” de “El País” una entrevista muy interesante con el gran Andrés Rábago (El Roto), comulgo con todo lo que dice sobre este tema, por ejemplo “La medicina nos enferma” y es cierto, el poder de las compañías farmacéuticas para hacernos creer que nos tenemos que atiborrar de fármacos—la famosa medicina preventiva-- para evitar enfermedades, es una falacia. Al contrario, cuántas menos tomemos, más sanos estaremos. Yo he llegado a mi edad, simplemente tomando aspirinas cuando algo me duele. Me niego a tomar nada mas. La industria farmacéutica es otra vuelta de tuerca de la infame globalización que padecemos. Jamás leo las secciones de enfermedades de los periódicos porque seguro que algun síntoma tendré y si fuera hipocondriaca, sería un suplicio.
Os recomiendo que leais el artículo.
Yesterday I read a very interesting interview in the extra “Health” feature of “El Pais” with one of our best cartoonists, Andrés Rábago (El Roto). I completely agree with everything he says, for example “medicines make you sick” and it's true! The power that the strong pharmaceutical companies have over us to make us believe that we HAVE to take medicines for absolutely everything—the famous “preventive” medicine-- it's a fallacy. On the contrary the less medicines we take, the better and healthier we will be. I've reached my age simply by taking Aspirines when something hurts. I refuse to take anything else. The pharmaceutical industry is another “turn of the screw” of the infamous globalization that we're suffering. I NEVER read the “Health” articles of the newspapers because I'm sure I have some of the symptoms that they describe and if I was a hypochondriac it would be HELL.
I recommend you read the article.
Os recomiendo que leais el artículo.
Yesterday I read a very interesting interview in the extra “Health” feature of “El Pais” with one of our best cartoonists, Andrés Rábago (El Roto). I completely agree with everything he says, for example “medicines make you sick” and it's true! The power that the strong pharmaceutical companies have over us to make us believe that we HAVE to take medicines for absolutely everything—the famous “preventive” medicine-- it's a fallacy. On the contrary the less medicines we take, the better and healthier we will be. I've reached my age simply by taking Aspirines when something hurts. I refuse to take anything else. The pharmaceutical industry is another “turn of the screw” of the infamous globalization that we're suffering. I NEVER read the “Health” articles of the newspapers because I'm sure I have some of the symptoms that they describe and if I was a hypochondriac it would be HELL.
I recommend you read the article.
miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008
Tengo recuerdos muy entrañables de ese país. De hecho mi hija nació en Lisboa. Su padre, Fernando, aunque español se crió en Lisboa al igual que sus hermanos (siete) ya que mi suegro estaba vinculado a la Embajada española. Cuando nos conocimos en los años sesenta solíamos viajar muy a menudo en el añorado y ya desaparecido “Lusitania” de Madrid a Lisboa. Un tren de estilo decimonónico, precioso. En cuanto pasábamos la frontera, recuerdo que las estaciones portuguesas, llenas de azulejos, estaban limpias como una patena. Se podía comer en el suelo... Llegábamos a la ciudad y enseguida podíamos disfrutar del coche de uno de sus hermanos y nos ibamos a Sintra, Cascais, Estoril. Casi no había tráfico en aquellos años. Recuerdo comer unos melocotones deliciosos en Alcobaça, ver a las pescadoras de Nazaré con sus faldas tan vistosas, Coimbra con su bella universidad. Despues durante nuestros trece años de convivencia, pasábamos muchas navidades en el caserón de mi cuñada en Sesimbra, otro bello pueblo de pescadores, y un año fuimos al norte a Aveiro. Desde entonces he seguido yendo, porque como he mencionado en otros posts, nuestra familia aunque desestructurada es muy estructurada y seguimos siendo una piña. He pasado veranos fantásticos en la Costa de Caparica, en Troya, en el Algarve. Luego esa gastronomía tan sencilla pero deliciosa. El bacalao hecho de cien mil maneras, sardinas fresquísimas hechas a la brasa, las feijoadas, “a pescada a la espanyola” (merluza con tomates y cebollas), la humilde sopa alentejana... y ¡los postres! Esos “bolos de nata” mmmm.... Estoy deseando volver.
I have very fond memories of Portugal. As a matter of fact, my daughter, was born in Lisbon. Her father, Fernando, although Spanish, grew up there along with his seven siblings because my father-in-law was a member of the Spanish Embassy. When Fernando and I met in the sixties we often travelled on the “Lusitania” a very beautiful “belle-époque”type train that did the Madrid-Lisbon route. As soon as we passed the Spanish-Portuguese border the train stations in Portugal, full of colourful tiles, were SO clean that you could eat on the floor... As soon as we arrived in the city, we would get one of his brothers' cars and drive away to Sintra, Cascais, Estoril. In those years there was hardly any traffic. I remember eating delicious peaches in Alcobaça, seeing the picturesque fisherwomen of Nazaré with their colourful skirts, Coimbra and its lovely university. Afterwards, during our thirteen years of cohabitation, we spent many Christmasses in my sister-in-law's huge house in Sesimbra, another beautiful fishing village and one year we went north to Aveiro. After our separation, I've still continued travelling to Portugal because, as I mentioned in previous posts, even though our family is unstructured it's still quite structured and continue to be very clannish. I've spent wonderful summers in the coast of Caparica, in Troya, the Algarve. Also, its delicious, simple gastronomy. Those cod dishes done a thousand different ways, charcoal-grilled fresh sardines, the “feijoadas” (red-bean stew), “a pescada a la espanyola” (“Spanish-style hake” with tomatoes and onions), the humble “Alentejana Soup”... and the desserts! Those “bolos de nata” (cream cakes) mmmm.... I'm dying to go back.
I have very fond memories of Portugal. As a matter of fact, my daughter, was born in Lisbon. Her father, Fernando, although Spanish, grew up there along with his seven siblings because my father-in-law was a member of the Spanish Embassy. When Fernando and I met in the sixties we often travelled on the “Lusitania” a very beautiful “belle-époque”type train that did the Madrid-Lisbon route. As soon as we passed the Spanish-Portuguese border the train stations in Portugal, full of colourful tiles, were SO clean that you could eat on the floor... As soon as we arrived in the city, we would get one of his brothers' cars and drive away to Sintra, Cascais, Estoril. In those years there was hardly any traffic. I remember eating delicious peaches in Alcobaça, seeing the picturesque fisherwomen of Nazaré with their colourful skirts, Coimbra and its lovely university. Afterwards, during our thirteen years of cohabitation, we spent many Christmasses in my sister-in-law's huge house in Sesimbra, another beautiful fishing village and one year we went north to Aveiro. After our separation, I've still continued travelling to Portugal because, as I mentioned in previous posts, even though our family is unstructured it's still quite structured and continue to be very clannish. I've spent wonderful summers in the coast of Caparica, in Troya, the Algarve. Also, its delicious, simple gastronomy. Those cod dishes done a thousand different ways, charcoal-grilled fresh sardines, the “feijoadas” (red-bean stew), “a pescada a la espanyola” (“Spanish-style hake” with tomatoes and onions), the humble “Alentejana Soup”... and the desserts! Those “bolos de nata” (cream cakes) mmmm.... I'm dying to go back.
sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2008
Bueno este es el tercer intento de escribir esta entrada, a ver si tengo mas suerte y puedo retomar el hilo... Como muchos de vosotros queridos bloggers sois profesores y maestros/as, os quería contar sobre cómo percibí de niña la diferencia entre la educación en España y en Canada. Simplemente un pequeño botón de muestra. En Irún asistí a una escuela laíca dirigida por una maestra maravillosa e inolvidable, la Srta. Mª Luisa Beltrán. Cuando ella salía del aula por alguna razón, todas empezábamos a hablar como cotorras; cuando volvía JAMAS se le hubiese ocurrido preguntar QUIEN o QUIENES habían alborotado tanto porque nos hubiésemos reido en su cara. Al llegar a Toronto, en las diferentes escuelas a las cuales asistí—fueron varias-- cada vez que salía el profesor o profesora de la clase pasaba lo mismo, todos y todas hablando por los codos (yo, la primera...) pero cuando volvía de nuevo preguntaba QUIEN había estado hablando. Veía que muchos levantaban la mano (yo no, al contrario me reía por lo bajini pensando qué gilipuertas eran...). Pasaron los meses y... empecé a levantar la mano... Esto me enseñó a admitir mis errores, a ser consecuente de mis actos y a ser responsable. Gran lección de civismo. No nos castigaban, simplemente querían saber quienes habíamos sido los charlatanes (generalmente era yo la que mas...).
This is my third go at publishing this post, I hope I'm luckier this time and can follow it up... Since many of my dear bloggers are professors and teachers I wanted to tell you of my experience as a little girl and my perception of the differences in the education I received in Spain and in Canada. It's just a small example. In Irún I assisted a public school run by a wonderful and unforgettable teacher, Ms. María Luisa Beltrán. Whenever she left the classroom for whatever reason, we started gabbing our heads off. When she came back, she would NEVER have dared to ask WHO was talking because we would've laughed in her face... When I arrived in Toronto in all the schools I attended—there were various—whenever the teacher left the room, the same thing happened—everybody talking (I, the first..) and when the teacher came back she/he asked “all those who were talking, please put up your hand” the first time I saw that the rest of the kids put their hands up (not me, of course, on the contrary I laughed to myself thinking HOW stupid they were...). After a few months, however, I also began to put up my hand... This taught me to admit my errors, be consequent and responsible for them. A great civic lesson. They didn't punish us, simply, they wanted to know who had been talking in their absence (it was usually me...)
This is my third go at publishing this post, I hope I'm luckier this time and can follow it up... Since many of my dear bloggers are professors and teachers I wanted to tell you of my experience as a little girl and my perception of the differences in the education I received in Spain and in Canada. It's just a small example. In Irún I assisted a public school run by a wonderful and unforgettable teacher, Ms. María Luisa Beltrán. Whenever she left the classroom for whatever reason, we started gabbing our heads off. When she came back, she would NEVER have dared to ask WHO was talking because we would've laughed in her face... When I arrived in Toronto in all the schools I attended—there were various—whenever the teacher left the room, the same thing happened—everybody talking (I, the first..) and when the teacher came back she/he asked “all those who were talking, please put up your hand” the first time I saw that the rest of the kids put their hands up (not me, of course, on the contrary I laughed to myself thinking HOW stupid they were...). After a few months, however, I also began to put up my hand... This taught me to admit my errors, be consequent and responsible for them. A great civic lesson. They didn't punish us, simply, they wanted to know who had been talking in their absence (it was usually me...)
viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2008
Hoy escribí DOS veces una nueva entrada. La primera cuando ya iba terminando con el inglés, se borró. La escribí de nuevo en mi escritorio para despues copiarla, pegarla y traerla aquí, desapareció en la ciberesfera, o sea, que trataré de escribirla de nuevo mañana.
Today I wrote a new post TWICE. Once here and when I was about to finish with the English version it disappeared. I went to my desk, wrote it again so that afterward I could copy it, paste it and bring it here. It disappeared into the cybersphere... so I'll try again tomorrow.
Today I wrote a new post TWICE. Once here and when I was about to finish with the English version it disappeared. I went to my desk, wrote it again so that afterward I could copy it, paste it and bring it here. It disappeared into the cybersphere... so I'll try again tomorrow.
lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008
Hoy se me ha ido parte de mi tropa, mi hija se irá el domingo. Ya siento el vacio, la soledad, pero doy gracias a que os tengo a vosotros, mis queridos bloggers, que me haceis compañía, me haceis reir, llorar, en fin, me siento acompañada y querida, me llenais de VIDA. Tan necesaria a mis años. La verdad es que no necesito nada mas. Estoy feliz. Gracias a todos, mis queridos/as.
Today part of my troupe has left, my daughter will leave this Sunday. I already feel the emptyness, the solitude, the lonelyness, but I'm very grateful to have you, my dear bloggers, who keep me company, make me laugh, cry, but feel accompanied and loved, you fill me with LIFE, so necessary at my age. Really, I don't need anything else. I'm happy. Thanks to all of you, my dear ones.
Today part of my troupe has left, my daughter will leave this Sunday. I already feel the emptyness, the solitude, the lonelyness, but I'm very grateful to have you, my dear bloggers, who keep me company, make me laugh, cry, but feel accompanied and loved, you fill me with LIFE, so necessary at my age. Really, I don't need anything else. I'm happy. Thanks to all of you, my dear ones.
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