I'm back in New York and my interviews. One day we interviewed Elia Kazan in his studio. As you can tell from the picture you can only see my nose and the long hair I had at the time. Kazan has a bored look in his face due, probably, to the silly questions that I had to translate. He was an extraordinary man, very young-looking for the 69 years he had at the time. He had a fibrous body, very energetic for his age. He told us quite a few juicy stories about his filming with Marlon Brando, Paul Newman and the rest of the "Actor's Studio" actors with whom he had worked but which, my dear bloggers, I've forgotten.
Hace 11 horas
6 comentarios:
no sabia quien era el sr. kazan, pero ahora lo he buscado.
que suerte poder conocer a todas esas estrellas del firmamento terrenal. Debes de tener muy buenos recuerdos.
besos merche
Pues sí Metis, tuve la gran suerte de conocer a gente genial. Ya os iré contando. Besotes, M.
Todo un lujazo entrevistar a Elias Kazanjoglou.
Con fotos tus entradas ganan mucho, te felicito.
Como siempre, querida Helena, gracias por tu apoyo y tu ayuda inicial cuando empecé esta aventura de internet. Besotes, M.
Qué bueno es conocerte Merche! Aunque sea sólo la nariz...
Un beso!
jaja bueno, una pena, seguro que serían jugosas, pero siempre te quedará ese recuerdo, de haber estado con un mito así..
Aunque ahora veo que has tenido una vida super interesante, igual Kazan no fue el mas interesante y todo...
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